I appreciate your input, and know as your experience as a nurse, yes you have seen this way too often. One of the meager but still major blessings we did have were the nurses in ICU and on the floor after Mom had her tube removed (all verdicts there were that she wouldn't survive that, she was one tough lady and it was hard) . Our first couple nights there in ICU, we were trying to sleep on chairs in her room- it was so uncomfortable and cold in there, but we were awake and wary and alert to any change in the machinery tones and the miracles we prayed for. a kind of half in half out existence. The wonderful nurses brought us heated blankets and draped them on us while we tried to sleep. They were so comforting and did lull us into a comfort. I never will forget that and that was such a wonderful thing they did in the light of such awfulness. I will always appreciate them, and know that nurses carry the feeling and compassion of their selves in their career path. I admire that so.