Originally Posted By: jabber
So glad the surgery worked well for you. I'm wondering if
putting cucumber slices over the eyes, helps stave the droppy
eyelid malformation off, for some people? Don't know. It's just
a thought! And I'm talkin' 'bout the aging process, not a
medical problem such as yours.

No, actually my eyelid problem was caused by the aging process. I naturally have a lot of fat on my eyelids and no crease in them -- a little like an Asian person. As you get older, things just start drooping. Really, I never would have thought that, but who thinks of things like this when they are 25? Because my eye doctor noticed that my vision was being interferred with, it was a medical procedure. (I am not real heavy, in case you are wondering, so that was not a concern.)I can actually put a little eyeshadow in the crease now, which I never could do before.

I'll tell you what I did notice when I was younger: I don't have much chin. Sure enough, that area of my face/neck is not holding up nearly as well as it does for people who have nicely shaped jawlines. Oh, well!