Hi Donna,

Some ideas suggested are quite good, but I don't think I've seen this suggestion posted. Why not start out with a Senior Symposium, an open forum or meeting of all the seniors in a church. Pose the question to them and see what they come up with. Have a morning brain storming session, lunch, and an afternoon motivational speaker. Subsequent ministries and activities will be tailored to the specific needs of that church. Each church has senior members with different needs,physical abilities and interests. One size may not fit all congregations.
Some may desire a ministry related to physical or health related issues, others may be less mobile and would enjoy a Shawl Ministry (www.shawlministry.com) - a wonderful interactive ministry associated with praying for others. I am a post Boomer Baby and have just reactivated my writing career. I'd loved to see a writing group for seniors in my church. We can suggest ideas, but it all comes down to what will work in a specific church.

Lillian, Author
When Youth Fades - Don't Wither on the Vine
