Mary Anne, I was talking with my stepdaughter about the difference between different e-readers. She has a Sony reader and prefers that one because in her opinion it has a wider platform/format capability. She says that when she did the research, she found the Kindle too proprietary (she would have had to buy everything from Amazon). With the Sony, she's able to purchase ebooks from a much wider variety of sources, including the public library, which is where she gets 99% of her books now.

I don't have one, I do like the feel of a real book in my hands, but can see the benefit of having one because we travel so much and it would be much handier than packing books.

And on the other branch topic of rereading books, yes, I reread because my memory is so bad, I can't remember having read it before. Same with movies. I've read the Narnia Chronicles about 20 times, and the Harry Potter series about 8 times, if not more, and still can't remember huge patches of either series. But my memory has improved lately, and now I find it less enjoyable to reread some books. Which is a good thing.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)