I loved the idea of a Kindle when they first came out. Didn't get one, and after thinking about it some, don't think I'm going to. My husband and I read a lot and trade our books in at a used book store (I get books from all kinds of stores and places -- from new to used to garage sales and whatever). And I share my books with friends who return them to me when they're done so I can trade them for more. You can't share a Kindle!! That and the fact that once I've read a book, I'm pretty much done with it, so I wouldn't want to keep it on a kindle or any other reader anyway. That's the major disadvantage to me. All my friends and I share books back and forth. I think I read somewhere that one of the new readers has the ability to let you share the book with 2 or 3 other people but of course they have to have the same kind of reader you do. So, while I think it's a great idea for some people, the Kindle and other similar readers are not for me. Give me a hardback or paperback novel any day, so when I've read it, and I know it was the kind of book you would love, I can pass it on to you and say "you're going to love this" and it's right there in your hand.