Heaven knows I get what I call "Brain Lock" fairly often and always at the most embarrasing times - I definitely believe menopause has something to do with it; however, stress and tension play a large part in it, too. And I find the more I worry about it, the worse it gets. If I am fully focused I rarely experience a memory glitch, but if there is a lot on my mind and my attention wanders (I am terrible about this!) it happens a lot!

I personally feel there is so much information for us to process every day from so many sources, and we try to do so many things in a day that we are often on mental/intellectual overload and this is a natural response! It's annoying, but everyone I know seems to experience the same thing from time to time!

We need to learn to 'chill' a little, relax and try not to put so much pressure on ourselves - far easier said than done.

The wonderful thing is we have each other to talk to about this, and so much more - I am so very thankful to have found all of you. Thank you, Dotsie.