Well Western,

Are you under some stress? I suppose we all are, but I mean unusual stress?

I remember that when I had Nichole at home, my son, my house, my animals, my huge yard, all the cooking to do, the banking , the grocieries, the cleaning, the the decorating, the holidays , and of course the gardens, PLUS going to graduate school, my sister used to say, "Maybe you should see a doctor, you can't remember the simplest things". Then she went back to college at age 50 or so and pretty soon I was saying , see? You can't remember a darned thing either!!!

Stress will do that. Before you head to the doctor, think about what's going on in your life. But if things are pretty normal, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a professional's advice. But how many times has this happened? If it's just once, oh well, we just have "brain stalls" or even a couple of times...More than 3 and I would evaluate my life, see what's up, and if that doesn't answer the question, then I would go see someone.

Let me know k?
