It's an interesting discussion, MA. A few years ago, after we had cleaned out the family home, 30 years worth of stuff at the cottage and then Mom's apartment, I had to make room in our little house for many things that will eventually go to the nieces when they set up their own households (if they want them). I became the temporary holder of them. At one point, I was so disturbed by the accumulation of boxes and clutter, that I went on a cleaning binge. Hubby's brother runs a rather large odds and ends store in Quebec, and we brought many boxes of these things to his place. Many of those knick-knacks now sit in this brother-in-law's living room display unit, which is sort of comforting...almost like going home, LOL.

But about two years ago, I began searching through our house for a little knick-knack that my Mom had given me as a child. When I couldn't find it, I figured that I must have tossed it in the box during that clean-up and was disproportionally sad about having lost it. Then on one of our visits to this BIL, I noticed my little treasure on the top shelf in his kitchen. Well, I started crying and was embarrassed to say why. But my other sister-in-law knew (she visits us often and knew my Mom, etc, so there's a close bond there), and she mentioned it to this BIL's wife. So she wrapped it up in special paper and gave it to me, and I couldn't believe how happy I was to have this silly little thing back.

It now sits in my bathroom, and continues to bring joy for whatever reason, I don't know yet. But it also taught me not to be so quick to throw things away, to take whatever time necessary to allow myself to evolve to the point where I don't need whatever these treasures represent.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)