Count me in with the highly sensitive people - until I checked out that site a few years ago, I didn't know that that there were others like me! I scored very high on the level of sensitivity, too. It is really a challenge for us, as 75% of Americans are extroverts, and they often think we are just being anti-social, etc. when we don't enjoy the same things they do. It took my husband awhile to understand this too, as he is more outgoing than I am for sure.
It is really to come to know that sensitivity is a gift instead of a liability, and to find the areas of life that use that, like creative activity of just about any sort, counselling, dreamwork, shamanic practice, work with the dying, alternative medicine, etc. Plus really taking a look at the daily life and seeing how you can rearrange your schedule. For some folks this may mean a drastic change of life, depending on the level of disconnect between their core selves and their external situation.
Last but not least, this time of life is really a gift too, in coming to grips with the importance of the inner life, and less emphasis on external trappings of status, "stuff", etc. With full intent and motivation, therapy/spiritual work can be very fruitful at this time for tuning into what's really important. Like eagleheart(a wonderful username BTW)it often takes a "dark night of the soul" passage as part of the process. Believe me, I know, I've been there, and hugs to all who have been, or are there now.