As an update, since we're posting about this again in another thread, those medicines prescribed were miracle workers. I believe that since I was diagnosed so early on and didn't have to live with the pain all that long, it worked immediately.

I went to the neurologist and he said it must have been TN. Since that treatment worked, he said he'd do the same thing again, but that isn't how he typically treats it. I should have asked him what medicines he used, but was so thrilled to get that exam over, that I never asked.

The tooth in the back of my mouth on the top left, stayed weird for a bit. It felt too big for my mouth. I think my gum must have been swollen. It eventually went back in place after many weeks. NOthing since. Hoping this post can help everyone suffering!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.