Well, I started the B12 drops on Monday. I still don't have the energy I am used to having. I was anemic last year when I went to Doc and she said eat more meat, take vitamins. I did but next visit(this year) I am still aenemic. I have tons of energy all summer long, but now I have a disinterested feeling in everything...I don't want to go out or do anything. I have become a night owl...and it's not a hoot! It will pass, I just feel like whining a bit, I guess.
Chatty, about the cookbook, what do you think? I guess we could research menopause and foods for a few months to see what we can come up with. I'm good with the menopause and you're good with the food...ha ha. Hey you just never know Chatty...maybe that's our calling for this year.
Eagle, I can picture your basement and you on the computer...wish I had a basement these days.
Jammie days for me here.