What a topic for me to tune into upon my return to BWS. Nearly every name on this thread knows that I am an advocate for victims of domestic violence and child abuse. Let me mention something often over-looked in the Lindsey Lohan saga. She was sexually abused as a child/teen. I do not know the perpetrator and I don't have time or inclination to research her particular history. I do know that she is estranged from her father (is that a clue as to the perp, I don't know... I do know he exploited her). This history with Lindsey came out when she did "Georgia Rule" with Jane Fonda. To see Lindsey's history, see that movie, in which she was a victim of child sexual abuse. Abuse leads to addiction, alcoholism, suicide attempts, self-injury, and an entire catalogue of self-destructive behavior. To go to a mental health facility may mean that she is being treated for depress/anxiety/suicidal ideation, all ramifications of abuse. Top the history of abuse off with a genetic predisposition toward addiction or mental illness, and you've got a train wreck. Lindsey represents hundreds of thousands of adults who were victimized as children, except that Lindsey has to live it out in public. May she be helped before she drives herself into a tree, or kills an innocent bystander.