omg..I'm laughing reading about the NO tampon rule and those horrid sanitary belts! First time I used one of the belts, I had the pad tab so twisted that I had to get my mom to help me get it off...good grief...that must've been about 100 years ago. The NO tampon rule..I'm not Catholic, but my mother believed that wearing a tampon would detroy one's virginity! She also believed, that during your period, you could "sponge bathe" but not immerse yourself in the bath tub. Go figure. Oh...and you couldn't wash your hair. No, I STILL have no clue, other than it was an OWT. The irony in it all was even though it wasn't advisable or "allowable" for one to take a bath or have a hair shampoo, it was "good" for one to have her hands in dish water. LOL! AND running the sweeper was an excellent form of exercise to rid one of the dreaded cramps. The times....oh we've had some times, haven't we?