My suggestions may seem radical, but not really.

For supper:

1. Scrambled eggs /egg substitute or egg whites. Throw in some chopped onion, garlic, diced veggies...voila an omelet for supper. Just why does North America think it needs to be for breakfast or brunch? The rest of the world doesn't think so. Healthy protein for supper also.

2. Do you have an electric rice cooker? A small one is not expensive. Wash rice and put in some water with rice. Plug in and let it cook. Shuts off by itself when done.

When rice is half way done, throw in a scrambled egg. Well, yes the rice gets all messed in there. So what? Have FUN, this is Asian style.

Or marinate some fine small slices of beef or chicken ( 1 inch pieces ) in tablespoon or less of soy sauce, jot of oil and dusting of flour. Stir. marinate for 15 min. When rice starts to boil, throw in meat. cooking rice and steam cooks meat.

3. For any veggie or meat consomme soup that you reheat, stir in a whipped up egg. It will cook up instantly with hot soup. Just cook for 2-3 min. on hot stove. Put in spinach leaves. Veggie soup. Done. Spinach does not take long to cook (5 min.) if you don't eat it raw.

4. use pita bread instead of regular bread for sandwiches. I'm sure you do wraps also.

5. I also suggest dry light Asian or Italian thin linguine to boil. They don't take as long to cook.

Yes we do sandwiches, salads. Which he tends to make them, since he creates some great tasting stuff. Our type of sandwich would be on a sliced baguette with sliced tomatoes, fresh brie or mozarella bococinni cheese with fresh basil. Drizzled with touch of oil and balsamic vinegar. It's delicious.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)