Still NO answer or call from my son and my birthday has come and gone some 17 days ago since we spoke. Am I ticked off, YOU BETCHA!!!

I changed my phone number July 8th. just to see how long it takes him to realize it is disconnected and show his face around here. No one but mom has the new number and she is not sharing it with anyone.

That also helps me end calls from NEW people asking me to please, please edit their manuscript, good Lord they are coming out of the woodwork this summer???

I have never been as angry as I am right now and yet I am unusually calm and feel like, OH WELL!!! I guess sometimes it becomes enough and for someone like me, when I'm done, I'm done...
I am always here to do for everyone else but am ignored when it's my time to get the attention, so why bother?

I believe 70 is a big birthday, many people don't live much past 70, but apparently it wasn't any more important to my selfish, spolied, inconsiderate brat than 40, 50, or 60 was...

Sorry for the rant but hey, it's how I am feeling...

Tomorrow I am meeting with a Realtor to see about listing this house, and Sassy and me will be going back to the Midwest where I was truly happy...
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