I hate to mention this but after all I am the one who asked the question in the first place. Well, my loving son forgot my birthday. He remembered it today when he got a call from his step-daughter because she was angry he'd forgotten her birthday that was today. Thats when he remembered mine. I listened to all the reasons he'd forgotten and then instead of saying, "oh, thats alright," as I usually do when he makes a call such as this. This time I said, "okay pick a time and place and you can make it up to me." It got so quiet I thought he'd fainted. He said, well, okay om we wnat to come over anyway and see the new dog.

You see even though my son makes a very good salary he is tight fisted. Oh, he'll take the gifts given (and expected) but always seems to be cash poor when it's time to remember someone else. I am sick and tired of being on the other end on his excuses and it will not be permitted, and a phone call is not good enough either. It's not like he lives hundreds of miles away, he is 20 minutes away. He's an adult and he'd best start behaving like one... I bet he wouldn't forget his new piece of tails birthday or anything else. Don't know about you but it really makes me mad.
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