Congratulations Anno! I've been watching the big countdown on FB and rejoicing in every moment closer! I'm so happy for you. I LOVE being retired (when did I ever have enough time for work before, there certainly aren't enough hours in the day now!)

We live in Ottawa and you're ALWAYS welcome to come and visit us in Canada's National Capital. Not right now though, because we're renovating our master bedroom and everything's stuffed into every nook and cranny. When you do get here, we'll make sure you experience some of the more unique Canadian delicacies, like beavertails and poutine - we'll even take you to the Quebec side for that poutine!

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Live life at your own pace now (as much as is possible). xoxox

Edited by Eagle Heart (06/06/10 04:40 PM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)