Would it help, yonuh that the new terms that everyone else is grabbing onto (computer technology folks, lawyers, business consultants are claiming some expertise) is now taxonomy (for classification) and metatdata (for cataloguing fields/standards)? Knowledge application/transfer would be for designing the large-scale databases. I know but to get to the bigger stuff that changes organizations, one has to know all the smaller pieces too.

None of my jobs were exclusively backroom technical jobs on just taxonomy and metadata development and tagging. Jobs always included client service work..which was research, group training, planning with other managers..

Before this "thrilling" book that I'm reading to write a review, I just finished a travelogue book on 2 guys who pedalled a boat across the Atlantic Ocean and then across the pacific to hawaii.

Yes, they pedalled the boat. Just reading and imagining the rigor..unbelievable.

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)