I've just been contacted by Liz Dreyer of The Learning Worlds Institute, a non-profit organization whose mission is to address social needs and problems through innovation, technology, and communications as they relate to caregiving, seniors and long-term care.

She's asked if I would post a link to a survey they are conducting to better understand the everyday needs of seniors and the families that care for them.

It asks questions about how much involvement you have in chores such as shopping, bill paying, travel, and home maintenance. Apparently they want to develop new approaches to improving quality of life while making the job the caregiver easier and more sustainable.

So, since I'm always interested in helping people who want to help me, I am posting the survey here.

Please take a few minutes to answer.

Caregiver's Survey

Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.