Just back from reading the blog and one is always immensely grateful and comforted to come across another kindred soul, Linda.

“Always remember what you’ve seen God do for you, and be sure to tell your children and grandchildren!” ...When we realize that God is always with us and that He participates in our everyday lives—sometimes in quiet ways, other times in dramatic ways—we become more settled and secure in our relationship with Him; we relax in His love. If we remember God’s faithfulness when we had hard times in the past, we are encouraged not to give up in current scary times. Second, the readers of our stories benefit, specifically our children, grandchildren, and, we hope, our great-grandchildren. When they see the ways God has provided for us, protected us, loved us, helped us through difficulties, and changed us from the inside out, they will be encouraged to put their faith in Him, too, for the situations that arise in their lives.

God bless.
