It occcurs to me that when we discuss if Mothers stay at home or a wife has no work outside the home then perhaps the personal testimony is what we should observe.
Who knows what another feels...thinks or works through later in life.
In retrospect we can look back at our choices...and further discuss the complex needs children and work need.
had childcare been available and work with suitable hours I may have found a life/work balance and my story would be different.
In the city during my time at home I may have found just what fitted well tround my circumstances at the time.But living in a rural area my choice was based on what was available.
I made my choices other friends worked swing shift..nurse friends put careers on hold due to shift work.Friends with Mothers who took over care roles found work..My neighbours who farm worked seasonally...I often carewd for their children or took them out with my family..
I was industrious..full of energy and learned homekeeping and enjoyed being a Mother..It was a stage..a good time.As was my career and now my later years.