Wow what a greeting, Lola! smile
Gunghaggis Fat Choy! There's a Chinese-Canadian guy who runs a banquet every year that combines both Chinese New Year & Robbie Burns celebrations. Not sure the food is great culinary stuff but fun. (I know that R.Burns was Scottish not English.)

Your area looks lovely.What is the public transit like in your area? When I visited London over 20 years ago, we took the underground or a commuter train out near King Henry VIII's estate to tour the grounds. We enjoyed ourselves. Nearby was a medieval fair. For us, to see THAT, except for a First Nations (this is what Canadians refer to native Indians)festival / pow-wow, it looks very unusual to us.

For such narrow streets, it might be better to think of public transit and walking during that time. Which is what has happened here. We live a 15 min. walk from 2 different light rail stations (each in different directions) which is ideal to get around to the major Olympic venues which are downtown Vancouver.

Maybe your grandson should think of an environmentally friendly product to sell. That would be a great selling point.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)