What amazes me nowadays is what is seen on prime time TV. Extenze to make his 'short comings' longer, or Viagra to make them firm and longer lasting, oh and the latest two men hooking up, holding hands walking off into the sunset.

Then there is the lubrication for men and women, and they show them in bed before, and then after the deed is done, all disheveled and looking (stupid) satisfied. Plus every kind of feminine product from lub, to a vibrating finger gadget and all types of birth control. One thing they seem to have forgotten with the women are two holding hands walking off into the sunset.

Does anyone remember when none of this was permitted? Heck, you couldn't even show an add for feminine napkins on TV back then.

What is the world coming too? Do we really need to see all this crap in adds on television? I think not!!!
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