When ghost writing any novel, you get NO recognition except in knowing you wrote the book. You sign a cofidentially contract that does not allow you recognition or bragging rights...Ho humm!!! The person hiring you to write the book is listed on it as the author. You would be shocked if I could name just some of the other books I am responsible for. For those novels I was well paid and thats all...

But in this case the named author doesn't mind my saying I wrote her story for her. Trails and Tales of a Pioneer. This is about a woman now 94 years old, that was the first white woman ever to set foot in the Alaskan wilderness. It includes her adventures then, and up to today. She will be 95 in July 2010. So if you like this type book, it is only five chapters, and are interested in my style, when the book comes out please read it. Her life already lived, most of us couldn't even imagine.

Now for the three book series; I was the co-writer on all, but they haven't been accepted yet by a publisher. These three books are about another womans life story but she was/is unable to articulate, so I rewrote from her ramblings and completed her manuscripts, and my name will appear as co-writer when published. This series is called: Tory's Secret and will be published one book at a time. It contains English, disgustingly wealthy Aristocrats, greed, incest, insanity, alcoholism, murder, and a host of other indescretions. All seen through the eyes of an innocent child. I believe this was some of my best work and this womans life story is something no fiction writer could ever invent. The best part is she is alive and well, living in California, and we are best friends... She has a screen writer friend waiting for the book to write the screen play for. I just found that out myself...

Di, a ghostwriter is someone who takes a persons story and sets it to paper. Usually the person whose story it is is unable to write well enough or at all, so they hire someone like me who writes their book for them. Like the woman who wrote Hillary Clintons book. You must spend alot of time with this person either by phone or in person or both, and read whatever they have such as journals, diaries etc., until you can build what you need to then write and rewrite until the employer is happy with what you've written...
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