Ok, list is slapped together because I have to run and pack for a trip tonight:

http://www.momentumplanet.com/issues On non-racing cycling articles and cool stuff in the world of cycling. Latest 2010 issue is about cycling in our city (probably with Olympic visitors in mind.)

http://www.copenhagenize.com/ Cophenhagen is the lead world cycling city with up to 40% of population cycle there. International links worldwide to cycling culture in other countries.

http://www.copenhagencyclechic.com/ Just primarily photos of fashionable/ordinary people cycling. There are other cities that imitate the chic of cycling. It's unbelievable what gals will cycle in.

http://forums.teamestrogen.com/index.php For women worldwide on cycling with some non-cycling. There must be over 30-40 women over 45 yrs. who bike regularily...group is large in participation...probably over 200 active posters. Teamestrogen sells cycling specific clothing for women but owner of forums is like Dotsie, quite hands-off to allow discussion.

http://forums.teamestrogen.com/showthread.php?t=35039 We have a world-wide cycling relay trip involving an Oxfam doll is being passed around. Either doll is biked to next rider or is mailed. Right now it is about to leave Australia for New Zealand and will get to the U.S. this year.Canada. At some point, Europe since we have some active European members and very few in Asia so far. Yes, it will come to vancouver since we have several active members who participate. I've met the women. If no one else will, I will cycle to the Canada-U.S. border/into Washington state. from home to fetch or drop off doll. (I live about 70 kms. from the border.)

http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/CABC0308?getSubtmpzne=ndxbusiness Canada's weather network website is different from U.S. I find it gives way more info. that is not so advertising driven.

http://mashable.com/category/wordpress-lists/ For blogging technical work. Of value to those who use Blogger and Wordpress software, social media.

http://www.rei.com/category/4500013 U.S. national sporting goods and fitness wear for everyone.

Canadian national sporting goods and fitness wear for everyone. You might find cheaper pricing here.

I don't buy online but 2 above stores I will visit wherever I am. MEC has a store here in town. REI I visit whenever I get to Seattle which is...tomorrow.

And I tend the blog garden below..more new articles to roll out by end of this week. smile
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)