Oh I am so going to enjoy this thread!! Mine are mostly animal related and blogs. OMG I do love an interesting blog, especially ones by people who travel or are living in other countries!

http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org/index.html (I am SO passionate about her cause)

http://www.bestfriends.org/dogtown/ (the world's most loved animal sanctuary)

http://www.austinpetsalive.org/ (My local cause)

http://figandlemon.blogspot.com/ (London expat marries an Italian and moves to Positano)

http://www.bedlamfarm.com/ (blog of author Jon Katz)

http://thepioneerwoman.com/ (city girl meets rancher, marries and writes amazing cookbook...read their love story!)

http://thepioneerwoman.com/tasty-kitchen/ (YUMM-O)

http://italyadventure09.blogspot.com/ (My friend who is living in Italy for a year)

And of course here, amazon for books, and the amazingly addictive facebook!

Edited by P.J. (12/31/09 03:30 PM)
Edit Reason: left out one site
Inside me there is an angel whom I am constantly shocking...Dolly Parton