This morning, Max was sniffing the trash can and Sammie, in a very deep voice, said, "No" and Max minded her. He came into the family room and she told him to lay down and he did.

I've always loved Greyhounds, Chatty. I love their sweetness and it breaks my heart that they found so many of them in the desert, shot in the head because they weren't winning money for the owners. Hundreds of them. Isn't that awful?

Their nature is like Diz's was.

They don't bark so aren't considered watch dogs but I will tell you that yesterday, I was walking out the front door with Max and I had his muzzle on him, which makes him look very dangerous and there was this Hispanic guy driving by very slowly. That's what they do--cruise neighborhoods looking for open garage doors or casing houses to rob at night. Anyway, I glared at the guy and there was Max, looking like a kill dog and the guy left the neighborhood quite fast!
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes