Cathi, sounds great. If anyone comes back to you about the trip to Utah, tell them that you only have the resources and energy for one trip right now and that you'll do Utah later (just don't tell them how much later...vagueness is an easy way to start setting boundaries when you're afraid of offending you get more comfortable/adept at it, your answers can be more defined - or not!) I find the word "later" is a good way to keep my boundaries without going into any details that might inadvertently rub someone the wrong way. I just never have the stamina or energy to deal with people's guilt trips or constantly explain my reasons, so I just say "I'll do it later when I have the resources".

I've been to New Mexico, years ago. It's a wonderful place to go...take in as much as you can, and enjoy the peacefulness of nature there. Keep us posted!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)