orchid, she does and so does my eldest. I always cooked and baked when the kids were growing up, and they were able to help if they ever wanted. Two out of three cooks isn't bad. Funny, our youngest hardly knew how to boil an egg by the time he left home. He had no interest at all in cooking.

My oldest is an incredible cook. He doesn't use recipes. He creates. He has a good feeling for what spices go together and he takes chances, which usually work well. At 24 he is already known as a great cook among family and friends. In fact, he's the biggest threat for our family Thanksgiving Cook Off Dinner where everyone creates a dish. Great fun.

Danita, tell me about this cookbook. Can you put the recipes online, then create the book? I'm confused.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.