Yep. Is'nt it great when the nest gets feathered once again? My son and DIL live next door so I get to spend a lot of time with him when DIL is on nights, and with her, when he is on nights. Each come for a sleep over on those occasions. The usual result of a late film on DVD or TV. Those are the only occasions I get to spend time with my son on my own. He's married. He should spend time with his wife and not with me. I spend time with both of them and only singly as above. We go to Church, shop, dine out, see a show, take walks together...and laugh...a lot. Also, they cook, I eat.

I encourage my children to spend more time with each other than with me because then, I'd know they'd be fine and lean on each other when I am gone. I'm happy to babysit while they swan off clubbing.
