Oct 15, 2009 by Chatty Lady

"I adore Hyacinth and all her wild and wacky family, our Rose, Daisy and Onslow, Daddy and of course Bruce and Violet, and poor Elizabeth her next door neighbor... I won't even go out to dinner on the weekend until her show is over. I love the outfits she wears, all matched from head to toe. The faces she makes are hilarious especially when someone calls her on her white, slim line phone, to ask about Chinese take-away.

I have always watched Criminal Minds and like it and the newer Castle show, his being a writer and all. Monk is into his last season before going off the air, I will miss Monks show.

Heads up, there is a new show starting on the comedy channel on October 22nd. at 9:00 p.m. Pacific time. Make a note of it, it's simply called:
THE JEFF DUNHAM SHOW. He is a ventraliquist/puppeteer and his puppets look so real is amazing, and he is one of the funniest comedians I have ever seen and you will die laughing.

MY favorite of course, no surprise to anyone, is HGTV, the Food/Cooking Channel..."
Josie smile