This is why I come here...for the advice and wisdom of strong women who can see the forest for the trees when I can't. Thanks so much for your guidance.
Being here for those children is so easy for me...Judy's coming over this afteroon so I can help her with her homework. She's such a tender age and is the most gentle, fair-minded child amongst all the other kids in our neighborhood. When I see those big eyes tear up because of what's happening at home...well, I can tell you it gets to me.
Jane knows I'm here for her, too. She comes over at least twice a week and we sit and talk...All I know to do is listen and offer advice when she asks me.
Last year Judy drew a picture of our house with a front porch. In the family was Larry, me, Judy and Molly. I have that picture still up in my kitchen. I didn't realize the significance of what she was saying until yesterday when I spoke with her sister. Poor thing.
Thanks again dear friends...
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards