I have TN. Have had it for years. I'm happy to report that it has gotten much better and less painful over time, but I went thru at least 10 years of on and off misery. I hope you don't go thru what I went thru. I had teeth pulled, had sinus surgery, wore a night guard, you name it. I even had gamma knife surgery (supposed to kill the nerve that was causing the pain, it's a form of brain surgery). Believe it or not for some reason it got way better after I had a hysterectomy! But before that they had me try all kinds of drugs, including a blood pressure med and an antidepressant. I had my hysterectomy in 2001, the TN got way better after that (one doc said it was the pain had been due to hormonal flucuations -- they called it hormonal migraines) and that's why they hysterectomy helped (had the hyst for other reasons -- typical female problems). I went off the antidepressants after that, and now only take a low dose of a blood pressure med, which seems to keep me out of that TN pain most of the time, unless I'm under a lot of pressure or stress. I'll be glad to help you in any way I can. Please feel free to email me or whatever. I know TN is misery, from long experience with it, and pray that the steps you're taking help you out and this is a short-lived episode of the problem. Believe me, I've been there and done that.