yonuh, do you have earphones? Listen to music so you can't hear the drill. It works.

For an update:

Ross has diagnosed me. He believes I have Trigeminal Neuralgia. He's witnessed the tremendous, sporadic pain I'm in that comes and goes without any rhyme or reason. After showing me the diagram of where the pain is on the face, and all the internet has to say about it, I'm convinced he's right.

So I called my endodotist to run it by him, and he hasn't called me back. I called the doctor who removed a tumor on the same side of the face where the pain is, and he gave me a neuroligist's number. Called him. He can't see me until November 9th. HELLO! I'm in crazy pain here. Called my general practitioner and they are still out to lunch. I'm hoping to speak with him soon, get an appointment, and get on the right medication to get some releif. It's all began last Monday night. I'm happy to report that I slept through the night last night, but have had episodes today that ahve sent me moaning and groaning!

The endodontist said I was clenching. He sent me howm with these instructions, and I think they help. While grinding doesn't hlep what I have, it's not the only thing going on for me.

Here's what you do:

Every hour - take two deep breaths, swallow, and set your jaw making sure your teeth aren't touching.

Teeth should only touch when you chew!

Then, before falling asleep, say 10 times - I will not clench my teeth.

It's helping with the teeth clenching, but I'm still getting pain for the other reasons.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.