Jabber.....LOLOLOLOLOL I'll send you a picture... smile I'll need the plus plus size.

EW...cute idea for the Flintstones.

I'm trying to find a chicken and an egg costume...you know where the top of the egg is cracked and sits on top of the head and with the legs sticking through the bottom of the egg with chicken feet. I think I could make a chicken outfit but not sure about how to make a shape for the egg.

Oh, well...Michelle and I are going out tomorrow to look at halloween costumes and hopefully we'll find some ideas there.

Thanks ya'll...you're the best...and Jabber, I'll keep you in mind when I'm picking out costumes for the hunk... smile
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards