Wow Eagle, it is ironic isn't it? You and I being diagnosed at the same time...not being the first time this has happened... We have to be connected somehow. Please keep us posted. My prayers are with you. Speaking of prayer, I've been thinking, God doesn't allow anything to happen to us that we cannot handle. He must think we are pretty strong women, and when I choose to look at it that way, I am privileged that He values our strength. I know this sounds crazy for some people, but it keeps me going.

Lola, thanks for your unending support. We are so blessed you are here.

Mustang, you are right. The symptoms I have been experiencing since July, mimick the symptoms for Colon Cancer. It was my GP, a boomer woman herself BTW, who was persistent with me to go and see 2 different specialists. Since I have had a hysterectomy and both ovaries removed, the last thing I thought it would be was my ovary. There is a name for what I have, it is called Ovarian Remnant Syndrome. So it is imperative to continue going to your gynecologist regularly even after everything has been removed.

As for my workplace, this is one example as to why I cling on to this job no matter what. I have seen people leave this co only to come back 3 months later because there isn't too many other places to work like ours.

Thanks ladies for your well wishes. I am in Blacksburg this weekend to see Sofia and Zoey. I didn't want to tell Sofia over the phone about this and this is the last weekend before surgery I had to do this.

My mom is trying to come back early from Greece. She has been ready to come back anyway, that's a different story in itself. Our family has been good to her, but as she puts it, "I am too Americanized" So anyway, I finally told her yesterday about my situation. I didn't want to tell her while I was still in limbo.

I love you all alot!

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!