great Dotsie fi you have a couple studies then i be delighted to read them.

thinking about the holy spirit distinction makes sense and i always forget about the 3rd part of the trinity when its an excellent example of how to make that direct link to god...
god as in, direct voice god talking, being the holy spirit. For me I'd be thinking more that that is my holy spirit or the part of me or MY spirit that is holy ...and that must hear god (being part of god itself, that is holy) then hearing that part of ME could be like listening to the part of me that directly hears god but being the much smarter god centred bit, still an achievement but still a part of me.

Somehow listening to that part of me is acceptable and achievable for me because it is simply finding that other part of me.

It still being different from a guide or guardian angel because it is the other part of me, but that part could also talk to a much purer part of god.

see i always saw an hierarchies and think that comes from my birth religion, not all of it bad in its explin3etry about god and hers an example of it not being bad in explication. For me the hierarchy is about bigger or more pure drops of god being up the ladder in terms of hierarchy. so it go like this within my holy spirit theirs the same essence that is god in its purest form. But its just a drop of pure form. Within another really holy person on earth they have cultivated that same pure drop to be a bigger drop by good needs, direct communication guiding their life so that one pure drop become the size of several pure drops.

For higher being already on the other side their pure drops are even bigger and can inform or instruct my original wee pure drop, which talks to me if i listen.

their, i have just mentally placed that bit together to allow for the hierarchy on earth and also beyond life but can include the humane being communicating directly with itself and itself as god fragment.

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn