Eagle, when I picture you, I picture a loving person. Amen!

celtic, again, your questions make me think. Love it.

There are times I hear directly from God, which I refer to as the Holy Spirit, God with us.

Other times I hear God's voice through family, friends, strangers, women at BWS, etc.

I have not always heard God speak to me. In fact, I don't think I ever did until I chose to draw nearer to Him. Prior to that, I tuned Him out so I didn't even think about listening to Him.

Something that helps tremendously is opening ourselves to His voice and intentionally listening for it.

It also helps if we tell Him that we want to hear from Him, then be still and listen.

I may have a couple studies for you if you are interested. But only if you are interested! Happy to help you get a clearer picture if you'd like. Just post here and I'll go searching for you.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.