thanks for putting up the poem again, it dose fit grand here. I also pop back in for others who need time to read or just think what to answer if they will . So if others come along then still think about it as it still be read in time.

it makes sense to me that you'd here god the way he could be heard by the individual but also in a way that stretches you, like what you saying eagle about trusting people ...then it makes sense for you because of your circumstance.

I know for whatever reason i hear more Canadians but especially Americans saying they here god than us scots and uk ones and i think that's cultural, cultural we more licklie to say its a guide or someone than actually god. So i will also keep that in mind too. You do here people saying a lot that god works throw them quicker than you heer them say i heard god. The first statement is a bit evasive and doesn't mention who gave the message for the work to be done...

So i guess i be giving some thought to my own circumstances and what areas may i not be ...or needing to be stretched 0r challenged within myself, i know i more comfortable saying oh that so and so , crystal who is 50 and providing more evidence of who they were so thir kids recognises them...telling (someones mum) to help their child until the child has enough evidense to know its thir mum and everything else that implies, afterlife, consciousness in after world etc.

I know some people do believe in god whole hartedlly but not the fact we have another life to go to. I also know i had enough evidence of my own that if i have chosen the wrong person as in the living person (child lol adult child mind you) for a message then its a mistake from my part and not theirs no afterlife or i am wrong or have lost it whatever that it is or ever was. So i give it all some more thought then as many time i been pussled by this very question but i never explane it right and people normale tell me the god is love question....and thats as far as we get lol when thats the first part but only the first part with the rest being more complex for me to explane in order to get the question answered.

more thinking to do oh and any more thoughts then jump in again eagle wink don't confine yourself to just one chance at answering this type of question more may be needed if ya think of more lol
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn