pheeew this went on and i dint realise it was such a fast going chat, like the rest of you i pop in and out back to face to face people. Sometime for reasons i am isolated in the house and i chat on line .....also i chat when i surrounded by people, the time is spent unevenly but its consistently uneven with everyone and everything. Its all relational for me same as for you all too i am sure.

this faith sections my fav place to read. Sometimes i post sometimes not when i do not how do you know i have even read it? I guess you don't and if i haven't read it in good time for the chat i will eventuatelly read it. I saying i think that no word in this section goes unread. We all come here in different moods for some its only when their happy and can spread love for others its only when their sad and need uplifted. I know i treat these sections of forum differently from others sections. Hear i more likely to get my coat off and shoes off get comfortable and get vulnerable.

i too chated from the hart and not been answered here and elsewhere and it hurt. Sometimes its because theirs no answerer to what i asked or was saying or people couldn't get past my bad spelling to hear what i was asking or expressing. sometimes my post too long with multiple questions, other times i thinking someone else need was more important and focus was on them. who knows and sometimes like some others , lola was saying its about listening.

perhaps we forget how vulnerable and close to our harts the idea of god is for those that read these sections. Like gimas was saying i to sometimes have nothing new to say or do not now what to say to further the chat, of course i might bleather anyway lol.

online chatting so complex any ways its more tricky because its about deep held beleaths and how best to deal with that. I think its to do what eagle did do and say hello did you then we all clear weer we stand. that is if your brave enough to say it which a whole new storie. lol
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn