Wow, so much going on here that's good. Glad to hear you all conversing and sorting things out while I've been off visiting with my son in NYC.

All I can say is that I love all the women here for the wisdom they drop in my lap almost every day of my life. What i have to remember is that we all run in, read, post the best we can, then run on to the rest of our lives. I wish I could hang out here all day because I like some of these conversations better than those in real life, but we all know we can't do that.

All of you plant so many seeds of faith that keep me quessing and growing, and I gather it's the same for amny who read here.

Jabber, all I know is that the more I communicate with God, the more he communicates with me. It just like any other relationship. The more tiem you spend with soemone, the closer you become, the better you know them, the better they get to know you.

Eagle posted something that I interpretted as all that comes from God is love. If it isn't love, it isn't from God. He does all things with love. So when I say I hear his voice, what I typically hear are positive strokes about my life, and also changes I need to make that are spoken by Him through love. Things like, you could have handled that differently, did you really respond in love, wo, you were out of step with that, etc. He tells me how to live, and when I'm wise enough, I listen.

When we get in the habit of checking in with Him each day - to go over the day before, and to place the new day in his lap, I think we can hear Him more clearly.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.