jabber, it's new within the past five or ten years. It's taken practice, lots of sitting at the kitchen table alone with Him.

We should get Eagle in here becasue she also converses with Him.

Deeply religious? Hmmm, more like a close personal relationship. I'm not the type of person who reads the Bible and remembers everything about the people, land, time, etc. I read and recall feelings, emotions, how people were treated, etc.

celtic, intuition is different than conversing with God. Intuition is what takes place when not in prayer, at least for me. I do believe in women's intuition, but I guess even at the ver core, that too would come from God. Make sense? Clear as mud?

Josie, if you liked that, youmight want to get her book and read it. I thikn I once told Eagle about it and she's read it too. I reead it years ago with my prayer group, then took the class at the Well a couple years ago and read it again. It's a worthwhile read. Great for midlife women.

I believe if we are intentional, seek His guidance, then He reveals his plan for us. It takes work and we can get off track, but He's always there to get us right back on.

Just my beliefs.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.