Well slap me naked and hide my clothes! Then slap me naked for not having any on.

Hello fellow Boomer BowWow's...Trixie here, a.k.a. the Trixster...Seems I need your help. Could you please read below and then give me your opinion? Personally, I think I am owed a public apology. You be the JUDGE.

I'm going to write in a hurry because her royal painness is in the back of house trying on last year's summer clothes. Oh yeah baby...I love this time of year. All the crying, wailing, and nashing of teeth! Maybe NOW she'll put down the Oreo's. Fat chance of THAT happening...woohoo...haha...get it? Fat Chance? She's fa-...oh nevermind...(tuff room)

AnyHOW...I've decided to let you all know da Queen is not the kind, loving, and understanding person you all think. No sir ree...why just today, I was minding my own beeswax, peeing on this green thing by the front porch when she came flying out the door screaming at the top of her lungs, "Stop that! Stop that! You stupid dog, stop that!" Have you ever tried to stop peeing in the middle of it? It ain't gonna happen. And another thing, since when does "going" where you are SUPPOSE to go, "outside," make you stupid? Trying to fit your fluffy self in clothes two sizes too small for your fluffy self...now THAT is stupid. Am I right?

Uh...cuse me, I'm suppose what a plant is? Gee, we must have passed right over that one in basic training. And You would rather I go in the house? My thought is YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS TOOTS. House? Yard? Which one? You choose. Am I right or what?

I read your post everyday while Miss Oreo Poster Child watches Dr. Phil tell everyone how to loose weight. Now THERE's some waisted time...get it? "waisted?"...Lord...I should write more articles...what? You thought SHE wrote all of that stuff? HA! AnyHOO...I think you should write her and let her have it for animal cruelty...or at least turn her in to some talk show host...well? I've been abused I tell ya! I've been tortured! I've been beaten! I've been...okay, okay, maybe I'm stretching it a tad, but I DID NOT, I repeat, DID NOT get a doggie treat tonight because of the green thing incident. Is that fair? You be the judge...

da Trixster

[ April 25, 2004, 10:52 PM: Message edited by: jawjaw ]