Dear Cathi,
Oh, I love all your comments and questions! I'm so moved that, when reading chapter 4, you came to a profound epiphany. Even though I deliberately use that phrase as a cliche, still, most of us DO, at some point, reach a "dark and stormy night" moment. When I had mine, I, too, finally fully understood what "one day at a time" meant. Actually, there were times when I was down to "one minute at a time." That's all I could do. So what you say really resonates with me.

In terms of the title "Fearless Confessions," I chose it because my hope is that we all WILL learn how to write fearlessly about our confessions. In other words, it can be so tough to write our stories, to tell our secrets--yet, at the same time--it's so important to do so.

Also, when you get to chapter 9, the title will also be clearer. Here's why: there are some critics who "malign" memoirs, especially those by women, and use the term "confessional" as a put down. So what I want to do is reclaim the word and say that there's nothing wrong with us telling our stories! In fact, just the opposite: it is a noble and worthwhile thing to do.

And thank you: I really wanted my book to be clear for all writers, regardless of where you are in your writing journey. So I'm delighted you're finding this to be the case.

In terms of finding the time to write: sure, sometimes it can just be tough...simply too much going on. But, with me, I had reached the place where I simply can handle everything else much better if I am it's the writing that helps me through.

I hope all this makes sense. Please let me know if any clarification is needed! Oh, and I LOVE the image of sticky notes all over my book!! That's a lovely thought. Thank you!
author, "Fearless Confessions: A Writer's Guide to Memoir"