HI, Dotsie, thank you! I'm so pleased that passage resonated with you. I think that I think about it as listening to a whisper, or following a whisper, because, by doing so, it takes (for me at least) my own ego out of the equation.

In other words, when I am "quiet," and when I listen to a very internal or interior place, then I get at a deeper emotional truth. What is this event, or that moment, really trying to tell me about my life?

And that is, ultimately, how we reach that creative place and make sense of it all.

The same, of course, is very true regardless of what kind of writing you're doing: writing a memoir, journaling, writing a poem, blogging! Anything. What is the material trying to tell me, I wonder.

I'm curious about the other writers out there, what your process is?
author, "Fearless Confessions: A Writer's Guide to Memoir"