I like barefoot bohemian artsy, too. But I can't go barefoot here in the summer - I would burn off the soles of my feet! smile

Shoes are always a problem for me now. My feet have 'broadened' so I need wider shoes. And they don't like being confined in closed shoes so I wear sandals pretty much all the time. Heels are definitely out. I used to be able to walk miles in stilettos with pointy toes, but now I don't even feel steady on anything other than flats or a small (less than 1") heel. And flip-flops or any of those shoes with the thong between my toes hurts too much. I find that Clarks, Birkenstock, Tevas, and Earth Shoes are all fine. They are expensive, but I can sometimes find them at a thrift store for about $5. And who cares if they're not in style? As long as I'm comfortable and look put together, I don't care what style it is or what anyone else thinks. Fortunately, work is casual dress; I wouldn't want to work anywhere I had to wear a suit or pantyhose.
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich