I thought I was ready to deal with this time of grief, but it has hit me harder than I could have imagined.

It has been 5 months since my dad left us, and I know he would want me to move on. God knows I am trying to do that. I honestly prepared myself knowing his passing was inevitable. You ladies went through this with me.

I even listened to your interview Jawjaw on BFA Women radio titled Making Lemonade from Real Life Lemons. I listened to it on my way to see my dad alive for the last time. It really helped. But I will need to listen to it again, after the fact now.

I recommend everyone on this board to listen, here is the link BFA Women Radio If this is all normal, then I will except it and know that I haven't gone off the deep end. Afterall, I am not the only person who has lost a parent, right?

Anyway, that's where I have been, trying to overcome the grief, and I am getting better, really I am.

My mother is in Greece now since the middle of June, she plans on staying there for 6 months. I miss her, but I am glad she went. She has a larger support system there, and it was really difficult for her to stay in that house. She was so lonely in the evening and I felt really bad I couldn't be there with her. But I am glad she went and I know that my dad would've wanted her to go there.

Anyway, I am just writing my feelings and this is very cathartic for me so thanks and thanks a million to my boomer sisters who are always here.

I love you all alot!!!

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!