A good coincidense, well me and po was talking two days ago about celtic and picktish people and cultures and somehow the celtic language would have been most closlie related to welsh as the romans got england,(britons) but could't penitrate ireland scotland and wealse.

LOLA....with walse being last and mostlie left alone that would have been the closest to the original language of the celts with scots and irish being more distorted or deluted. so welsh varasion is ment to be most purest celtic language....cool huh (descovery channel lol)

talked about romans being in eglans protecting and rulling the britons. when the romans left thir was caose, then saxons and angels invaded but again scotland and walse mostlie left inpenitrated.

Sadlie it turned into a chat about caloden lead by stewart and wot a massicare it was as they had gotten wepons and been militarised (made up word) and after caloden the clearinses. sad end to a day when ya finish that day with that chat

lol oh yea picts we talking about

i honestlie do not knopw were the picts feel into the picture from coloden onwards were else they lived and how they lived with other cultures if they did.

Do you know or could you give a reff?

hope the digg went well and thir back soon.

great to know your houise is so close to what be a holie place by them.

Is thir a relasionship between celtic druids and picts? it is hard to find good stuff about them MA plze keep us popsted, seriouslie.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn