Well life sure has it's ups and downs.
So, things were great for the first little while. My daughter is a nice girl, she does not talk back, she is not rude and is easy to talk to. We get along great for the most part. Other than her messy, messy room I could handle that. But........

There is always a but. She likes to party. She is 17 and when she was at her Dads' house she could basically come and go as she pleased. He allowed her to stay overnight at her boyfriends and he had no problem sleeping not knowing when she came in or if she even did.

Now, me, I can't sleep until my kids are in the house. I'm exhausted and it's still June. Two more months of summer....help.

Example: last night my daughter got ready to go out at 11:30pm. Some of her friends were meeting up after another friends grad ceremony downtown at a nice hotel. So at 2o minutes to midnight, my daughter is on her way out the door, by herself on her way to the bus stop to go downtown. Our city is small, it has an active downtown life and we only live about a 10 minute bus ride from it. There are often teenagers wandering around, hanging out, meeting up all hours of the night. I don't like it but it happens. It's a fairly safe place, only one child abduction in it's history I believe, but there are creeps out there for sure.

I told her she could not go, it was too late and she was not going to walk to the bus stop all by herself so late. She said nothing but then I heard the door close and off she went. In other words, what I say means nothing. She will do what she wants. She came in around 2am. I was of course awake and told her that I cannot put up with this behaviour, her response:

"Then I will move back in with Dad, I can do whatever I want there" And she is right.

Now, what would you do. I tried to come up with a compromise, no chance. She is stubborn and thinks nothing will happen to her, I worry too much etc. My biggest concern is her safety. She has no concerns about this.

I contacted my ex and he told me to trust her and did admit that he let her come and go, that he trusted her. I find this attitude so DUMB!

Anyway in the big picture there is really nothing I can do and she knows it. If I say no, she will just sneak out. Really at 17 what can you do, she knows that. I don't want to start world war three either.

Any advice would be most appreciated. Thank you ladies.