Originally Posted By: Di
But when you meet women for the first time, and if you do not KNOW, please don't ask if they have children. Or, be very cautious in a new setting of younger women. Or ask how many they have assuming ALL women have them! If we don't mention that we do, we either may not have them, may not want to talk about them or have other things to say!

Often times I converse with women not ever knowing they do have them 'cause they have outside interests...which is so nice to hear!

More often now we get comments on our website that we are "assumed" to be a mother because we are women. Another comment is "Oh, you LOOK like a mother. How many kids do you have"?

I never ask a woman whom I've just met or only know distantly (and the latter could be for years), if she has children. It is almost as if the "children" question has to be known by some folks so that they can "slot" /fold you into their conversation.

As a librarian in a female dominant profession, other colleagues genuninely....don't really care....at all of your marital status or if one has children. Most of the time I have no clue if alot of these women have children. I don't ask. For the some of the female cyclists I've gone in groups..where I've led rides, I had no idea if they had children.

I'd rather that the woman offers voluntarily if she wishes, to indicate she has children. Different of course, if you are with your closest girlfriends.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)